CI 뉴스

제목 CI 4.1.1 Released
글쓴이 한대승(불의회상) 작성시각 2021/02/04 09:20:04
댓글 : 3 추천 : 0 스크랩 : 0 조회수 : 12536   RSS

2월 1일 출시 되었네요.

  • PHP 8 is now fully and officially supported!
  • 4.0.5 is the final version that will support PHP 7.2 - starting with 4.1.x the new requirement will be 7.3, 7.4, or 8.x
  • Generators are now available to help create components from the command line, User Guide
  • Updates to the class handling system now allow overriding of core services
  • The beloved "Model" has now been split into a Base and a "SQL-Model" to make space for future NoSQL support
  • Lots of updates to the development toolkit make it easier for you to analyze and test your projects, and use CI/CD pipelines
  • Quite a few of the Config classes have been split out to make it cleaner and clearer where to go to alter service behavior


첨부파일 Screenshot_1.png (164.0 KB)
 다음글 CI 4.1.2 Released (1)
 이전글 CI4.0.4 Released (2)


배강민 / 2021/02/04 09:33:26 / 추천 0
DB Driver는 그대로라서 아쉽네요.
변종원(웅파) / 2021/02/04 09:39:29 / 추천 0
php8에서 테스트 해봐야겠군요.
테러보이 / 2021/02/04 11:00:03 / 추천 0
몽고디비 드라이브 생겼으면.. ㅋㅋ