구인구직 게시판

제목 Roomsy.com 에서 Codeigniter 개발자분 찾습니다
카테고리 구인
글쓴이 m0dE 작성시각 2017/10/05 14:55:34
댓글 : 0 추천 : 0 스크랩 : 0 조회수 : 13811   RSS

Roomsy is currently integrated with global OTA's such as Booking.com, Expedia, and Agoda.

We are looking for someone who can help us to get integrated with Korean OTA's such as 인터파크 and 야놀자

An ideal candidate should have a good experience with Codeigniter, MySQL, jQuery and RESTful API development experience

If you think you have what it takes, please send your resume to jaeyun@roomsy.com



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